Double Canopy Sunbed Hire and Rental
Available in 16 or 18 tubes, we offer a selection of styles to meet your individual requirements.
These sunbeds are manufactured in Great Britain.
16 or 18 tube models available with facial tubes as an added extra on some.Twin 10 minute saftey timer fitted as standard on all beds.
Differences in the double canopy sunbeds:
Elite Double Canopy:
18 fast tanning tubes plus four optional facial tubes.
Curved base for additional comfort
Curved top for maximum tanning potential.
Colour – white plastic
Twin 10 minute safety timers fitted.
Electronic Elite Double Canopy
18 fast tanning Electronic tubes for a cool tanning experience plus four optional facial tubes.
Curved base and canopy
Colour – white plastic
Twin 10 minute safety timers fitted.
Pine double canopy
18 fast tanning tubes
Colour – brown
Twin 10 minute safety timers fitted.